Can Sound Affect Our Body?

The effect of sound on matter.

Scientists have proven what ancient cultures have known for thousands of years. Our bodies react to vibrations. Every cell, neuron, and structure in the body resonates at a specific frequency, creating a symphony of sound.

The string theory, first introduced in the late ’60s, has become a popular field of study today.

The theory claims that everything in our universe, the planets, the stars, the suns, and even the subatomic particles, is made up of microscopic strands of energy. These strands of energy are very, small, thin, and elastic; to give you an idea of the size, they are estimated to be about a millionth of a billionth of a centimetre. They can twist, wiggle, wobble, and join each other, breaking apart.

Everything You See is Made up of Energy

Everything you see, touch, taste, smell, hear, and even the words you speak are made up of strings of energy. What makes them different is how they vibrate. Strings that vibrate in a specific direction are electrons with mass and charge. Other strings vibrate like photons, which are the particles that make up light. Therefore, the vibration frequency is what separates wood from steel, flesh from bone, and paper from plastic.

Everything which exists is made up of vibrating strands of energy, including us. Our bodies are a symphony of strings. Our cells, neurons, tissue, and organs vibrate and resonate with the sound of life. Billions of frequencies interact with each other and resonate within us. These vibrations are constantly interacting with the external vibrations in our environment.

Vibrations Fill The World Around Us

In a world where vibration reigns the greatest, the sounds and vibrations that fill the world around us can influence and even change our vibrations, affecting our health and well-being for better or worse. The vibrational energy within us also impacts the environment outside of us.

String theory is not the origin of such ideas; only recently has this theory proved what has been around for hundreds of years. Nevertheless, the ancient sages, philosophers, and teachers of many cultures were fully aware of vibration and energy flow principles- and the idea that sound can influence health and well-being.

Pythagoras BC 570 – BC 495 Greek philosopher and mathematician

It is said that Pythagoras used music to heal the body and emotions. His understanding of vibrating strings led him to discover the relationship between the tone and the ratio of the strings.

He said that the movement, rhythm, and vibration of every atom and every planet in the universe produce a particular sound.

Pythagoras believed that music contributed significantly to health when used correctly. Thus, he called his method “musical medicine”.

His followers would sing specific chants in unison. Other times, his followers employed music as medicine. For example, certain melodies and harmonies were composed to cure the passions of the soul-emotions like anger and aggression.

The concepts of vibrating energy supporting the modern string theory give the foundation to today’s energy medicine or vibrational medicine.

In his book Vibrational Medicine, Dr Richard Gerber defines vibrational medicine as medicine directed toward understanding energy and vibration and how they interact with molecular structure and organismic balance.

Evidence of Vibrational Energy

How do we know what the ancient practitioner and philosophers were saying about sound is true? Is there any evidence today that sound and vibration can affect matter or interact with the molecular structure of our bodies to stimulate healing? And if there is, can we measure their effects?

Here is some compelling and exciting evidence of how sound vibrations impact the material world.

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